More Money Saving Tips

This is page two of our money saving tips. We hope that you find them helpful!

Tip 23. Sincerely Evaluate Needs vs Luxuries - Our society has somehow confused needs with luxuries. A need is something you must have to survive. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Heat. Water. A luxury is something you won't die without. Eating at a restaurant. Living in a 5 bedroom house. Owning a big screen tv, designer clothes or a cell phone. Having high speed internet access, 100 channels of cable tv and a Wii game. Life will not end without a cell phone but how many people consider that a need? This confusion has caused people to overextend themselves and defend their actions by saying it was a need. No, it wasn't a need. It was a luxury that they couldn't turn down or felt they were entitled to. I'm not saying these items are bad. What I am saying is that if you are serious about getting out of debt, you need to pull back on the luxuries until you are back on track and can afford it by paying cash.


Tip 24. Pass on the Peds - I hope I don't make enemies with this but again if you are serious about living debt free, I recommend that you cut back (or cut out) your regular pedicure and manicure visits. This is a luxury and not a life threatening need. However, you don't have to give up the best part of these treatments which is the feeling of relaxation. Invest in a bottle of nail polish and a peaceful CD, ask your husband to watch the kids, lock yourself in the bathroom and escape to do your own nails. I bet you can find your own peaceful sanctuary in your own home. Plus, you will feel even more relaxed knowing that you don't have to find a way to pay for the experience!


Tip 25. Stay Cool - I can't believe I am going to suggest this being that I am always cold, but lowering the temp in your house is another great way to save a few bucks. I read that lowering the temperature 1 degree has the possiblity to save you 3%-8% a month.


Below are a few interesting resources you might want to consider. Click on the picture for more details.

Tip 26 - Weatherproof Your Home - Keep the cold air out by sealing any cracks around windows and doors.


Tip 27 - Draw the Blinds - If you aren't home during the day, you may want to close the blinds in the summer to keep out the heat. This will take some stress off your air conditioner which should save you money. The blinds can also act as another layer of protection against the cold coming in from the windows in the winter.


Tip 28 - Swap With Friends - Team up with friends to see if they have unwanted items you need and vice versa. Maybe their kids have outgrown some toys or clothing that would work well for you growing family. Maybe they would be willing to give you those and maybe you have a set of kitchen dishes that never get used and would be a big help for them. Swap lists of unused items...what may not be useful to you could be a treasure for someone else. Remember, we are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others.



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