Does Your Bucket Have Holes? Picture a bucket with holes in it. You could put a garden hose in the bucket with a constant stream of water, however, the water isn't going to stay if you don't plug the holes first. It's the same with your finances. The problem isn't usually that you don't make enough. The problem is that you have holes in your bucket and you are not willing to admit it. One hole may be your daily coffee from Starbucks. What's the harm you ask? Well, $4 a day ends up being $1460 a year on coffee. What is more important? Your daily coffee or paying your mortgage? You may say "I'm entitled to my cup of coffee and a house." That's fine. However, where does personal responsibility come in? If you don't pay your mortage and you default. Someone has to pay. You may think you are "sticking it to big business" but in actually big business is what employs your family, friends and neighbors. If that company goes out of business because you "stuck it to them," you have then in some ways "stuck it" to your own family, friends and neighbors. A key to debt free living is taking responsibility for our own situation and doing something about it. It isn't someone else's job to take care of us. We need to do what we can to pull our own weight in this world. That means not spending more than we make and not spending what we don't have. Contrary to popular belief, you won't die without an iphone or big screen tv. Move past the feeling of being entitled and enjoy the feeling of a good day's work and knowing that you earned what you do have. Rest easy at night knowing you aren't fearing creditors because you don't spend what you don't have. I know this is not popular but if you are truly serious about living debt free, you need to shift your thinking and start filling the holes in your bucket. |